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Do you offer sponsorship and donations?

Do you offer sponsorship and donations?

Sponsorship and Donations

What are the benefits that you propose to return to Newitts?

Full details of the of benefits that you are suggesting could be provided in return for Newitts support should be outlined. You should provide details in relation to any proposed media/advertising schedule, along with details of signage, size and placement of logo, hospitality etc. Please keep in mind that we like to pursue opportunities that deliver positive exposure for Newitts and which encourage people to attend and/or participate in the relevant event/concept.

We'll try our best to respond via return email within 30 days of your request. Please be patient if the response to your request takes a little longer than expected.

All sponsorship opportunities are assessed on a case by case basis, however, to help you in putting together your proposal, some general guidelines are outlined below:

What does Newitts offer?

Newitts does not provide any cash support. All sponsorship opportunities involve contra i.e. sports equipment in return for exposure.

Community Fundraising

Fundraising is an integral part of the activities undertaken by many schools, clubs, societies and community organisations. The majority of requests sent to us relate to this type of fundraising. While we would like to be able to help all of you, we obviously cannot and as we find it difficult to justify assisting one without assisting all requests we're unable to donate goods or services for fetes, trivia nights, auctions etc. at this time.

Sporting Teams and Individual Athletes

Only on rare occasions will Newitts provide sponsorship for professional or championship level athletes or sporting groups. Unfortunately we're unable to provide sponsorship for junior or social sports teams and clubs.

Newitts looks favourably on proposals that:

  • Benefit a bona fide charity organisation.
  • Would benefit significantly from Newitts involvement rather than it just being a small component of the overall proposal.
  • Provides Newitts with significant and valuable return for assistance.

So, if you think you have a really great event that Newitts should be involved in, please send an email to [email protected] with your proposal, being sure to provide as much detail as possible.

We accept sponsorship requests by email only. We will endeavour to respond to your sponsorship proposal within 30 days.


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